The overall theme or lesson of The Full Moon Cycle of Scorpio is the cause and effect of Love on women. This card gives some understanding of the enigmatic feminine point of view regarding committed relationships.
In its conception the "Merry, Merry month of May" was dedicated to Mother Mary. The Full moon in Scorpio with its ancient lunar secrets occurs during the month that contains the holy-day Beltaine. This lunation is sexually charged. All the birds in Mother's flowering garden are filling their nests with eggs. The trees are flowering like bridal bouquets and the ground in the Northern Hemisphere is ready to be seeded. The Celtic Beltaine opens the gate to summer, the earth is fertile and ready for sex, and the Mother is newly pregnant.
Examples of this symbol can be found in the story of the Goddess of Desire. Aphrodite, who rose naked from the sea and first set foot on an island called Cythera, went on to Peloponnese, and eventually ended up at Paphos in Cyprus.
As she walked, grass and flowers sprang from the ground. Aphrodite, meaning 'foam born,' rose from Chaos and danced on the sea. During the Spring her priestesses bathed in the sea and rose again symbolically renewed. She was worshipped in Syria and Palestine as Ishtar or Ashtaroth. Aphrodite is also called the daughter of Dione, Goddess of the Oak tree in which an amorous dove nested. Doves and sparrows are known for their lust and passion. According to Roman myth, Zeus claimed to be Aphrodite's father after he seized Dione's oracle at Dodana thus making her Aphrodite's mother.
The dove associated with the Christian Holy Spirit is a thinly masked Virgin Mother goddess. The written Latin texts for Holy Spirit is clearly a female-gendered word though it quickly loses its femininity in modern translations. Today, even our modern pop-culture "Hallmark Holidays" honor Mother's Day during May.
Bird goddesses date back to Neolithic times. The posture of these goddess figures carved in stone have wings with upraised arms assuming a welcoming gesture. This gesture is repeated in the images of other ancient goddesses from Crete, Greece and Egypt. Goddesses depicted with this gesture include the butterfly goddess and the bee goddess. This symbolism can be seen in the Egyptian ankh (meaning life and looks like the symbol for Venus and female). The upraised arms of the Egyptian hieroglyph Ka represents the individual's greater soul. The Ka's responsibility is to welcome and greet the soul (BA) of the dead person. The Ka takes the form of the bennu bird, or phoenix, and was sometimes called mother. Images of the knot of Inanna 3000BC Sumeria, the Sacred knot 1500BC Knossos Crete, and the buckle of Isis all resemble the ankh with the out-stretched arms of the goddess. The buckle of Isis, representing the Yoni, carries the attributes of fidelity, fertility and growth with sacrifice.
Other names: Tethys; Thetis; Mary; Mari; Isis; Ishtar; Ashtaroth; Demeter; Venus; Gaia; Maia
Symbols: Creatrix; Snake; Great Mother; Great Goddess; Flowering earth; Dove goddess
Attributes: Passion; Lust; Friendship; Attraction; Love; Growth; Fulfillment; Maturation; Nurturing; Sex
Planetary Ruler: Venus
"Venus shows how to attract what you love--especially people." "Venus relates to your senses -- sight, smell, taste, touch and sound, the body's receptors."Kim Rogers-Tallagher- Astrology Light Brain
In a Reading: This card represents a strongly sensual woman. She is a committed and passionate partner as well as a devoted and nurturing mother. She enjoys nature and gardening. She loves to be the center of the social circle and enjoys orchestrating elaborate functions.