Full Moon Cycle of Virgo
February 19 - March 20
The overall theme or lesson of the Full Moon in Virgo cycle is about the term 'virginity' particularly in its older meaning, which was in being single or without a partner, something that is 'pure' as in being of one substance. This is the time of the year when the Earth herself is barren and without vegetation however she is no longer metaphorically the old woman after the harvest but she has renewed herself and her infertility has become more like that of a the pre-pubescent waif. This card relates to the idea of the high priestess who seeks only her own council.
This full moon takes on the qualities of the High Priestess who is the barren earth of early spring. The quiet moon of the Virgin earth has great power that lies dormant within her. She is the barren landscape, pure and empty space, soon to be awakened by the growing strength of the Sun. The term “Virgin” in its earliest form simply means not taking a partner or not staying with a man. Unfortunately this term has taken on a modern, puritanical meaning, narrowly defined as being celibate. The High Priestess represents the Maiden in the ancient Lunar Trinity of Mother, Maiden, Crone. She is a time of freedom and daydreams when one analyzes the choices at the gateway to fulfillment. This moment of contemplation is of paramount importance as it is the decision one makes just before irreversible change.
In MAAT Tarot she is portrayed as the Sleeping Goddess. This image represents all virginal females of myths, legends and ancient stories. One of the oldest of these sleeping female images is the Sleeping Goddess of Malta. As people arrived in Malta from Sicily around 5000 BC (and again about 3500 BC), there was a great surge of temple building in Malta, especially with the second wave of immigrants. One of the most mysterious of temples is called the Hypogeum. This temple was painstakingly hollowed out of the rock creating what looked like a vertical labyrinth. Over the course of 600 years 7,000 bodies were laid to rest in the Hypogeum. Within the Hypogeum a small statue of a sleeping priestess was found in a niche near the entrance. She lies comfortably on her side, apparently asleep. Questions come to mind as to who she is and what she represents. Is she similar to Buddha, dreaming the world into existence or a priestess undergoing an initiation? Has she entered the cave to receive the souls of dead ancestors into her womb as they await rebirth? Is she there to receive the wisdom from the ancestors during Dream State? Is she the High Priestess drawing intuition from her dreams? Clearly the Sleeping Goddess is as mysterious as the powers that awaken within the maiden as she moves out of her dormancy.
The Virgin in MAAT Tarot is symbolic of the unmarried woman or maiden. Her body forms the rolling hills and mounds of Earth, which makes the transition from silent winter to awakening spring. She is not unlike the Sleeping Beauty of children's fairy tales, who is about to be awakened by her handsome prince (who would be The Fool of Spring Equinox). She is very much like Vesta, a virgin fire goddess of Rome. Her fire is concealed within her body; much like the fertility of Earth is concealed within the frozen ground of winter. Vesta is based on the earlier Greek goddess Hestia, a goddess of the hearth, who also represents the Full Moon in Virgo very well. Myth tells us Vesta was given a choice of marriage between Apollo and Neptune but refused both, desiring to be ‘virginal’. Eventually Zeus granted her freedom and she became an important religious symbol. Vesta's temples are round with a central sacred fire and this fire was tended and maintained by young female initiates called vestals. These girls kept the eternal flame of the temples burning. The vestal virgins went through three phases of service: that of student, then as priestess, and finally as teacher. Vestals were by no means celibate, though their career as a vestal ended when they bore their first child.
Brigit, another virginal goddess, is considered Goddess of Fire, Patroness of smithcraft, poetry, and healing. She bestows her blessings on any woman about to be married or handfasted ("Bride" is derived from Brigit). On Brigit's Day, in honor of the Irish Goddess Brigit, 19 Priestesses (no men were allowed) kept a perpetual flame burning in her honor (See Wheel of Fortune).
Other names: All virgin Goddesses including the Christian Virgin Mary; Semetic Lilith; Roman Diana; Durga; Greek Athena Hestia, Vesta and Artemis; Gnostic Sophia; Celtic Arianrod, Brigit
Symbols: Unseeded ground; unsprouted seed; barren winter landscape; unplowed field; The Maiden; Sleeping Goddess; Yin; Sleeping Beauty
Attributes: Intuitiveness; Female energy; Receiving information from within
Full Moon in Virgo key phrase: "I analyze”
In a Reading: This card signifies the use of intuition
and inner guidance as personal council. The answer lies within.
The New Moon in Pisces-Time for a new beginning
The image for the four of wands is a late winter garden patch; the snow has begun to melt exposing the brown mud beneath. Remnants of last year’s
garden markers protrude through the shrinking ice reminding us it is time to start planning for the growing season. Winter and summer merge in the gardener’s fertile imagination, as he plots out his summer garden. This is the very best moon for starting spring garden plants indoors. Seeds planted during the new moon will get an extra boost of lunar energy as the moon waxes to full.
In a Reading: This is a card that represents planning for an event. The
timing is right to initiate the drafting of a plan for some important future
activity or construction.
Traditional tarot meaning: a celebration, coming of age, the harvest
The First Quarter Moon in Gemini- The use of scale models to display your ideas.
This card reflects the student who learns from his teacher and the teacher who learns from his student. Expanding on what you know through experimentation leads to a profound discovery. Being at the edge of discovery requires use of the microcosm to understand the macrocosm. Inspiration and understanding comes from the use of scale models, math formulas, blue prints, preliminary sketches, and the rough draft, a few notes jotted on paper.
Traditional tarot meaning: turning away from the past with hope for the future
In a reading: This card represents the understanding of complex systems by the use of scale models. Technology used in the process of teaching.
The Full Moon in Virgo -The prepubscent waif, the powerful feminine.
There is a saying among educators as any 10 year old girl what she wants to be when she grows up and you will get an entire list of possiblities. Ask again as puberty hits and the same girl will not know. This is the power of the singular female. Every woman as she passes from her fertility gets to have this inner child back. Do you remember who you were when you were 10 years old?
In a Reading: This card represents the discovery of hidden talents. It also signifies the joy of trying something new without the ego‚ fear of failure. This is a powerful card for sticking to your own plans and doing something you have always wanted to do without any guilt holding you back from unbridled selfish fun. When seeking information about timing this card would represent the beginning or just before.
Traditional tarot meaning: a blond child, and the element fire
The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius- Something you have waited for is at hand.
After a period of introspection and healing you feel ready to come out into the fresh cool air. There is a short pause before entering the sunny glade. In the distance a unicorn beckons and a boat has come in to shore.
Traditional tarot meaning: long term planning, a person with control over their life.
In a Reading: This card seems to be a gateway card as if some kind of inner work is on the edge of being completed before venturing out into the public domain.
©2018 Julie Cuccia-Watts